I don't fear anything cause I'm the meanest SOB in the woods.
Actually, we don't have any dangerous critters in this state -- black bear and wolves, but no grizzlies or big cats, and no poisonous snakes to speak of.
I also hunt in western states and Alaska, and grizzlies and cats would definitely get my healthy respect, and I expect fear, If I came face to face with one that wanted to do me harm.
Around here, I'm more worried about the Bozos who shoot first, at movement, sound, before or after shooting hours, in the dark, etc., and determine what they shot at later, as well as vandals/thieves who damage vehicles and other property.
Don't really worry about getting hurt while hunting. Suppose I should. Have always managed to get myself out of tough situations none the worse for wear. If I "buy the farm" while hunting, I figure there's nothing else I would rather have been doing when the lights go out.