I got home from work last night and a package from Nashville Michigan was waiting on me.
I had ordered a Great Northern Lil' Creep from Jerry, 56@27, Shedua riser w/brown glass, Diamond Back skins and the Jackknife feature.
Needless to say dinner was after dark! I set a nock point, threw on a couple silencers, grabbed some Sitka Spruce arrows and went outside. It shot awesome immediately. I'll post a pic of my 5th & 6th shots out of it....this thing is way more accurate than me! After shooting in the yard - I headed out into the woods to do some stumping. It was so comfortable, I felt like I'd been shooting this bow for years.
When I called Jerry this morning to thank him - the first thing I told him was how upset I am that he obviously missed weight. I'm also unhappy that both of my hand held scales are also off - because there's NO WAY this thing is 56#.....it is SO smooth. And I'll also mention, I'm pretty anal about noise. I spend a lot of time trying to get my bows as quiet as possible. And I'd hunt with it as it sits today, it's deadly silent.
Hopefully this will be great elk medicine - light, maneuverable, easy to pack and good looking to boot.
I know there's been folks interested in the GN Lil' Creep and I'll just say if you're on the fence, I think you'll be pleased if you take the leap. I certainly am.
Some pics for your viewing pleasure below.