Nov.6th started with a beautiful morning and a slight breeze from the south,the perfect conditions I'd been waiting for to slip back into the maple tree where a few days earlier I had a buck under the stand that never offered a good shot.Just after 8 a.m. a doe came walking past within 15yds of me and on her heels was the buck who broke from her and walked right in front of me to check a scrape that had been getting a lot of activity.When he was finished with the scrape he passed me broadside at 7-8yds. and the shot was a passthru that took out both lungs and he made it about 80-90 yds.before going down.I folded my seat back down,think I had to as my knees were shaking so bad,and just tried to take it all in.It had been one of those rare mornings where it seemed to all just come together...just perfect.
Thanks for looking and the nice comments,everyone.Happy Hunting!