Well, it is finally here. I leave tomorrow for my trip to Australia. I am all jacked up and can't wait to get there. I will be hunting a few days with ozy clint for goats and pigs, then get a stay at my sister's place in Brisbane, then get to go for 5 days after Red Stag with trad gang sponsor Trophy Bowhunts Australia. I have always wanted to go to Australia so it will be a blast wether I get any animals or not. Bagging a big old Red Stag or even a goat or pig would be icing on the cake. I already know I will meet some great new friends.
I will be hunting with my trusty Sarrels Blueridge takedown longbow and am taking my Sarrels Bobcatt TD takedown recurve for backup.
Wish me luck!
I'll see everyone when I get home in a few weeks.