Last week I was trying to get my wife to listen to how I was going to afford a longbow, when she finally couldn't take it any longer and said, "FINE! It was going to be a surprise but I'm getting you one for father's day." I love her. And while I'm sorry I ruined her surprise, it's for the best. Otherwise I would have sold her car or something to finance a new bow.
So, I've been studying and researching for the past few weeks and I decided to go with a hunter model from Nate Steele (bamabows). I've yet to read a negative thing about him or his bows. I really like that style of bow, from my limited experience. So, I called him up today and made it official.
I went with a dark curly maple riser and bamboo limbs. 66" amo and 53# at 28". I can't wait to shoot it.
And an early "thank you" to my beautiful and thoughtful wife.