I have a bunch of longbows and only 1 recurve. It is a Two Track Ambush. Awesome for shooting out of a blind, I can sit flat on my butt and shoot normal. Throws a very heavy arrow with authority. Nice short length is a joy to walk thru he brush with. I shoot 3 fingers under and draw 28 1/2" and there is no uncomfortable finger pinch. A friend of mine drew it back to 31 1/2" and launched a rocket out of it. I put on a leather grip myself just because I like the way worn leather feels and looks. It did need some of Chuck's (Two Tracks) string silencers to quiet it down, but I do not know of a recurve that shoots quiet without a set.
If I had to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat. If you like a short powerful bow, you are asking about the right one.