So many good bowyers out there. I agree with NBK. I started out alone, no one to help me, work with me. This was a decison I made on my own to bow hunt, and I wanted to go traditional first. I started buying and selling bows from tradgang, ***** and I tried all sorts of bows mostly recurve to start but eventually longbows. I never lost any money except on 2 and it wasn't much. Learned a ton and now very happy with what I've gone through, it's a journey, you'll never find that one Holy Grail Bow, if your like me, you'll always wonder if this one or that one will be better in your hands than the one you have. Most people can learn to shoot most any bow fairly well if you put in the time. It's all subjective and not right or wrong. Just put one foot in front of the other and enjoy the journey, for me it's been awesome, but addicting, be careful! I now have all custom bows made for me with the specs I wanted, I've sold some I wish I had not sold. Sometimes I think if I only had one bow, would I be a better shot from only shooting one and knowing it, tuning it, and becoming intimate with only one? Perhaps, I'm just glad I can't afford an endless budget for them all. When one starts to talk to you, listen and enjoy the relationship.