Straitera the bow is 62 amo, 53# @29. I draw 29.5 but who cares about .5 of an inch anyways. The limbs are bamboo with what the bowyer calls a honey brown finish. The tips are without question my favorite part.
No how does it shoot?
Well I can't shoot it until tomorrow. The bowyer left for south Dakota and didn't want me to have to wait 2 weeks, so he gave me the bow if I promised that I would wait for Sunday to shoot it because he had just finished the finish and wanted me to wait a few days. When strung the bow has a really nice d shape to it.
To quote to bowyer who shot it a bit before he put the finish on," this bow shoots like a house on fire". Given that I consider him a friend I'm going to trust him on that one.
I'm really excite to hunt with it and start developing an arrow for it. Likely a 600gr goldtip, but that's just a ball park.