It was about then that the sky opened up and it got seriously wet out. The rain made a terrific din pelting down on the nylon blind.
I settled in to wait out the deluge. There was no hurry. The strip of trees was less than 30 yards wide and beyond was wide open prairie that had been recently burned off. There was nothing out there taller than 3 inches. If he was dead I'd find him and if not.... well I'd face that outcome when the time came.
It must have rained hard and steady for almost an hour and a half but finally it let up. In a light drizzle I unzipped the blind and set off in the direction the birds had gone.
There was a defined trail where they'd entered the trees. I wasn't aware of it previously, but made note of it now. There had been several birds appear right there and that was the key to that question and another piece of puzzle to add to the memory bank.
As I left the sheltering trees and stepped into the prairie grass stubble I could see a dark object laying in a small swale fifty yards distant.
I knew what it had to be, but I wasn't going to get ahead of myself until I was close enough to make out details.
I was not dissappointed! There in the cold and wet was my jake. Stiff as a board and soaking wet he still looked pretty good to me.
I have to admit that I rushed through the picture taking to spare my camera a wetting. The rain was coming back.