My first longbow was 38 lbs at my drawlegth. It was mild R/D and had a D-shape when strung. It was cut 1/16 before center.
I used the following arrows: normal POC, 15/16, 51 lbs, 30 inches, 125 grains fieldpoint.
They were perfect for that bow. For your set-up somewhere between the 60 and 70 should work fine.
For proper bareshafting your form has to be perfect. If you don't have a proper release, you will get a false reading. I guess this is happening to you. There can be many reasons why bareshafting doesn't give a proper reading.
How is the fit of the nocks on your string i.e.? If they fit too tight, this also may cause a false reading.
Me, I don't like carbon or aluminium arrows. Wood is much more forgivin' and has a soul.... Once you get the hang of it and you found the proper arrows, you will LOVE wood!
If you have any more questions,