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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: who has been treed by a tusker  (Read 1196 times)

Offline ChuckC

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Re: who has been treed by a tusker
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2012, 02:29:00 PM »
Where is Uncle Barry.  He has a story.

Offline tarponnut

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Re: who has been treed by a tusker
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2012, 03:06:00 PM »
There's a cool charge in Glory Hogs II.

I've had clients get bluff charged a couple of times. Bill Langer killed a big boar on my lease that had bluff charged the week before.

The worst I've had are menacing growls(knock on wood).

Offline Plumber

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Re: who has been treed by a tusker
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2012, 09:21:00 PM »

Offline Barry Wensel

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Re: who has been treed by a tusker
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2012, 11:57:00 PM »
I've been out of town and just saw this. I've hunted hogs for 25 yrs. and never had a problem. Then last year I got charged twice in one day. The one in the morning had been wounded the evening before. We were tracking him, jumped him and he took off. I ran after him to keep him in sight. He didn't like that and came for me. I stood my ground and shot when he was about 15 feet coming "full boar" (no pun intended). I did pretty good on that one. The arrow hit at the base of his neck and came out his armpit. But his momentum kept him coming. I threw the bow in his face and shinnied up a little tree. He died right at my feet. 193 lber. That same afternoon I shot one myself. Got what appeared to be a good pass-through. She (big dry sow) ran off. I gave her 20 minutes or so and took up the trail. Came on her laying flat. Nocked an arrow just in case. As I approached she rolled up facing me. She popped her jaws a couple times, dropped her head and here she comes. I stood my ground but when she got 5 or 6 feet from me I realized she wasn't bluffing. I tried to brain shoot her but the arrow hit pretty much right between the eyes but a little low and missed the brain. It knocked her off her feet but she got right back up and was on me. Same thing.. I threw the bow in her face, turned to run and tripped over my own feet and fell right into a bed of prickly pear cactus. She was hooking the bow, flipping it around and I was kicking her in the face. In fact one time she threw it at me and I tossed it back at her. When I regained my feet she started to back up. I wasn't sure if she was leaving or getting a running start. So I bent over and took the bow back away from her, kept eye contact, nocked an arrow and finished her off. I was literally covered with thousands of thorns and my arm really hurt. I called Gene who was five miles away and told him I thought my arm might be broken. He said.. and I'll quote, "Are you bleeding?" I said not really. He says, "If you ain't bleedin... you ain't needin. Cowboy up. I'll be there after dark." Brotherly love. The radius of my arm ended up being cracked and I pulled out thorns for a month. But the good news was the hogs were dead and I wasn't. Always respect ANY wounded game. BW

Offline Nala

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Re: who has been treed by a tusker
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2012, 03:35:00 AM »
What about carrying a concealed pistol for cases like these?  I know there are those that are not allowed to do it, but for those that are in a state that allows it, or on private land, why wouldn't you carry just for safety sake?

I know I certainly will be carrying when I finally get to hit the woods down here in Texas.  Whenever that may be....

GREAT Stories though.


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