Well, I ordered another sbd string for the bow that I just recieved from Mike Mecredy about three weeks ago. Well the sbd string arrived today and all I can say is WOW!
I simply cannot believe the difference this string makes in performance and mannerism of a bow. It absolutely amazes me. I had the thing quite before but it had the slight bump I thought all longbows had, but this being my first skinny string on a longbow, it is more tame than my recurve! ZERO handshock or BUMP!
And the performance is absolutely unbelievable. It is cranking these 2016 with a 200 grain tip in hurry. No doubt rivaling the best recurves with the same specs to me. It just simply is amazing.
So if you think you are happy with your dacron string like i used to be you really owe it to yourself to try one of these things out. It is simply the biggest factor in quieting and maximizing your bows performance you possibly could do. You will not be sorry. Thanks and God Bless