I received six 160 grain Grizzly's today. I will admit I had all but given up on two blade heads but I am very excited about giving these a try on some critters. I was also hesitant on trying a single bevel as I have read a lot about they were impossible to get sharp. Well let me tell you, you haven't tried these heads with this angle. Those of you that know me know I am sharpening challenged and I am telling you I swiped these heads maybe a dozen times and they are hair popping sharp. The gring is absolutely perfect. I have never gotten a head this sharp with little effort. My 13 year old daughther could sharpen these things. I do have a KME sharpener to make it much easier, but seriously these things got scary sharp with very little effort. I glued them into the 75 grain steel adapters and they all spun perfectly which is a plus. I also really like the tonto tip. I don't think there will be any issues with it curling.
Ok that's all great but if they don't fly they don't make the cut to the quiver right? First two shots they flew like bullets. I actually stipped a fletch off my first shaft at around 18 yards. Needless to say they are very impressive and I have three of them in the quiver and ready for turkey season which opens tomorrow here in the Bluegass.