I received the Rainyday pass around bow on Thursday, June 28th. After unpackaging the bow ,I looked it over for any cracks,or delamination,there was none. The bow is a very good looker ,and I liked the heft of the riser,it made for a very stable bow in the hand. After putting the bow together ,I went outside to shoot it. I tried different brace heights ,given in the instructions from George. 8 1/2 shoots best for me. After finding that brace height,I shot 4 different arrows,all had 125 grain field points,but the arrows are as listed---29" -2016 Legacy 4 fletched
29"--2018 XX75 Gamegetter
29 "--AD Lite
32"--AD Stinger
the last 3 were 3 fletched. The pic is of that group from 20 yards,and they were shot in no particular order.
Its a very forgiving bow.
I guess the cons for me were the grip ,to large for my hand,but George addressed that already,and for me a duller finish for hunting. Overall I think its a well made bow, smooth draw and dead in the hand,I'd be happy to own and shoot one.
Steve---From Az