Charlie has long been on my list of people I gotta meet.
Not only does he have a huge catalog of hunting experiences starting when I was a mere prat, but his honesty and true immersion in archery have always made a big impression on me. He reminds me of my start, in the days when a bow was a real bow, his stories remind me of when I first started bowhunting, the excitement and the learning,(learning is what puts excitement in anything I do!) plus what he has done leaves me plenty of learning to do in this game of catch-up.
His integrity is without question, and I am sure that he did a lot of soul-searching and practical planning before consenting to abide by our wishes to publish his book. Yes, we have sat in our chairs and begged him to write a book for our entertainment and education for years!! He would agonize over collecting money for something he did not already have produced for distribution.
Heck, I would gladly pay him the price of the book for all that he has provided us for free thus far.
Count me in, as soon as I get a spare hundred bucks. Yes, I want Charlie to tell me how wonderful I am inside the cover. :D