We were lucky enough to be able to go to the Black Widow bow factory yesterday and spend some time with them. The shop was closed to production this week since its Turkey season so most of the employees were out. John, Vernon and two others were there so we got the grand tour and turned loose with the demo bows. "Please forgive me if I got your name wrong or misspelled it".
Everyone that was there was extremely friendly but what stuck out the most and just really amazes me was how clean the shop was! I was told that they have 3 dust collectors and a huge dust collector wall to help keep dust down. Also they make around 20 bows a week during full production.
My camera died after the first pic so I was forced to use my iphone for all of them. Sorry about the quality not being the best it could be.
Im going to put these in order of how they build.
Entrance door
Accessory storage and shipping. They have a whole second floor of accessories!
Shop mascot!
Riser oven and forms.
Risers and misc parts in the forms.
Risers out of the forms.
Risers with the fades finished waiting for glueup.
Lam cabinet, this was only one side of it!