Well, I might be showing my age a bit. But, to me a "fast" bow is anything that shoots a hunting weight arrow at over 170 fps. That looks fast to me. Maybe that's because I am a little older and slower, or because I grew up with bows that shot 160fps and lower.
I have a couple of bows now that shoot 500gr hunting arrows far faster than anything did in the old days and that seems screaming fast to me -- and the arrow flight is great. That also seems to be very efficient use of the stored energy in the limbs. Trad bowyers just keep getting better and better these days. In my opinion, we may be living in a "golden age" of trad bow design and craftsmanship. It sure looks that way.
In terms of visual flight. The more the flight looks like just a nock going toward the target the better I like it. Wobble, other than natural paradox, is something I try to eliminate as much as I can. We are all probably pretty much the same about that.
This has been an interesting thread.