I checked the dynamic spine predicted by Stu's calculator for the actual arrow tuned for the bow. According to the calculator, the required spine for the bow is 73#. The arrow comes out at 50# according to the calc, yet it flies great. Why the big diff?
The bow is a 52#@28" ACS TD CX that is in the data base. I put .100 for the strike plate thickness, and my measured draw length of 29.5"
The arrow is a 30.25" to BOH, Axis ST 300 with a 2.5" footer weighing 25 grains. I entered 1.6" for the footer per the directions. The arrow was checked bareshaft and fletched by the guys at Rocky Mtn Specialty Gear, and trimmed to the final length. The head is 265 grains, the adapter 111 grains. The measured weight and FOC agree closely with the calculator's predictions: 750 gr /26%, but the spines differ greatly.
Any help understanding this big difference would be greatly appreciated. Anybody have experience with heavy heads and/or EFOC arrows and Stu's calc?