On a great side note, we were making our way back to the truck when I looked at my phone and seen five texts and one with an image. Right then a glow came across me as I knew my buddy Mike made good on his opportunity on one fine gobbler. It was a very nice bird.
Scottie 0 and turkeys 3! I told him its not easy and especially on such a short trip. Maybe next year for my brother. It was my turn to hunt next but I would have to work two days and put in thirty hours before I got to go.
Sunday finally came. I worked Saturday and didn't get home until midnight. I showered and slept a whole hour and a half and hit the road for the farm down south. I had a feeling.
This year would be slightly different. I was carrying with me a special bow. I had a wonderful brother who passed a littler over six years ago and traditional bowhunting was his passion. I figured he wouldn't want his bows just collecting dust so I thought I might try my luck with it.
Once again I found myself set up well before light to the wonderful sound of birds gobbling all around but nothing really close. I had some luck in this area last year so my expectations were high. Birds seemed to be gobbling for awhile with nothing close when all the sudden the blind about got bowled over. Not forty yards away were two gobblers, that apparently woke up late. I gave them a few very soft tree yelps and a few wing flaps just to let them know the love of there life was waiting for them. These two toms stayed on roost until 7:20a.m. gobblin there heads off moving around on the limbs. They finally came off the limbs but they didn't really pitch off they just dropped straight down. They headed away from me for about an half an hour gobbling and trying to get me to come to them. But I knew better, plus I had the day off with nothing but time on my hands. Every few minutes I would rake the leaves and grass with my hands and make some purrs and very very soft clucks. It most of been to much because the next time they sounded even closer. Then again they gobbled and even closer. I couldn't help myself and a peeked out the back of the blind and there they were. Two toms staring at the situation I presented them. My Best Turkey Decoy(a jake) hovering over a breeding hen. The two birds circled around and gobbled a couple more times and the one strutted his way into the decoys while the other tom helped peck on my decoys as well. To be honest I didn't want this to end but I also wanted to put my brothers bow to good use. I remember thinking stay calm pick a spot and come to anchor. But to be honest it was a total blur as the arrow screamed completely through the strutter. He only went a couple of yards and I watched his comrade attack him for the next ten minutes. I let the other bird drift away before retrieving my prize. When I reached the big gobbler a flood of emotion overcame me that probably has been bottled up for some time. At sat there for a good half hour thinking about all the good times we had and how badly I miss him. This bird is his! His bow worked
flawlessly. THANKS JAY!!! I owe alot of what I know to him. RIP