Sometime ago I had made a post about a friend who bought a new Legend Safari recurve bow. If you remember the post I was thrilled with the way that bow shot and I had made up my mind that sometime in the near future I was going to contact Mike Rash at Legends bows and have him build one for me. Well, I got the opportunity to see mike not to long ago when he came out to my archery club and was showing some of his bows to everybody. I had made up my mind that today I was ordering a new Safari. Well, Mike started pulling out his new longbows, The Cyclone, and he asked me if I wanted to try one. Me being a bow-a-holic that I am I told him yes. After about two dozen arrows from that Cyclone and I had a big problem. Which bow should I get. That Cyclone shot like no other longbow I had ever shot, and I've owned and shot my share, believe me. After a long debate with myself I decided on the Cyclone. I couldn't wait for mike to get it done. Then, he called me one evening and said I could pick it up. I could hardly wait for Saturday to arrive. I drove up to Mikes shop and he brought out this beautiful bow. My pictures with my lousy cell phone do not do this bow any justice at all. It is truly beautiful. When I got to shoot the bow I had forgot just how smooth this cyclone longbow is. It's like eating Cinnabon's at the mall. There should be a law aganist it.

After a little experimenting, and changing the rest a bit along with the brace height, I got the bow shooting really good. I had it shooting right away really well with aluminum arrows, then decided I wanted to stay with woods. I settled on 5/16 35-40's cut at 29 inches and they fly beautiful.
Here's a shot of 20 yards

Here's a shot at 30 yards

Now, I'm no rookie. I been shooting a very long time and I can honestly say this is the best longbow I have ever laid my hands on. I can't even tell you everything he does to the bow to make it shoot this well. He has a secret sauce he uses and he will have to fill you in if he reads this. All I know is this bow will never leave my possession.
To make matters worse, before I left I was going to go ahead and order that Safari that I had intended to buy. Then Mike said, "hey Don, you ever shot my Tornado?" Nope! So, I took one he had out behind the shop and just lowered and shook my head. Yep, the Tornado went home with me too. I still don't own a Safari. I fill everyone in on the Tornado after I get to spend some time with it. But, I can tell, I'm lovin it already! If your not on Mikes Cyclone pass around list, well, you should be. You'll be missing out for sure if you don't get to shoot this bow. I wish I had one of these 10 years ago. Great service, and a really great guy. I might even go visit him even if I don't have a bow order sometime

Thanks Mr. Rash. I'm really pleased.