My dog was going crazy, so I grabbed my crutches and finally got out of bed to see what the ruccus was about. The mail Lady dropped off a package I had been expecting. Inside was the plaque and CRKT knife/sheath that I received for winning the Professional Bowhunters Society's national arrow building contest that was held in Portland, OR this year, and as a special bonus, it happened to be the 50th Anniversary banquet as well.
I won the contest with what I would consider the finest arrows to ever leave the Motor City Machete shop. Truth be told, I have a couple guys to thank for this. I never would have known about the PBS or even how to build arrows if it were not for Ken Scollick taking the time and showing me the proper way to craft the most important part of the hunting setup, and 2nd, I never would have entered the contest if it were not for Steve Osminski motivating me to enter the contest (he has a way with persistance). I never thought my arrows were good for anything except hunting, and I considered them marginal at best at that. So thank you for having patience and motivating me. So, if it were not for those 2 guys, I'd just be a guy with some cool sticks in a bucket.
I have been looking for that "perfect" knife, but have not been able to find "the one". Well, as soon as I pulled the knife from the sheath, I knew i had found my life long hunting companion.
Sorry about the pics, but this thing is SO shiny, it is hard to get a good picture, plus I never said I was any good at taking pictures anyway.