Hello Tradgang!
Been lurking on the board for a few months, since picking up an old Bear Blackbear at the local pawn.
I've been shooting and bow hunting since I was 9 - Dad wouldn't let me rifle hunt by myself as a kid, so I took to the Eastern Wyo river bottoms bow in tow.
Currently living in Fort Collins CO, Chasing Elk, Mule Deer and Thunder Chicks w/ my compound.
Honestly, the foray into "trad" gear was driven by the feeling that mainstream archery has just gotten out of hand. My current compound is insanely accurate, fast and lethal... If I miss, I always suspect a problem with the equipment, and it's usually due to a loose set screw or shifted thingamajigger!
Shooting the old bear recurve has been enlightening, to say the least! I've been told that it's not a great bow, that it "stacks" - judging by the way it was told to me, this is not a good thing? I could care less. I'm having a blast shooting again!
A big kudo's to the Tradgang! I spend a fair bit of time on various shooting and hunting forums. Most all of them tend to get bogged down in minutia and defense of various and sundry dogma. THIS forum has tended to stay very positive and supportive. I like it here!
Thanks Tradgang!