I just wanted to take a few and let everyone know what has been going on in the last 2 months. Some of you know I went under the knife for shoulder surgery on February 28. I had been dealing with shoulder pain due to an unruly horse jerking my arm off during a shoeing. I had suffered for three years with nothing showing on the MRI. They finally went in and found I had partially torn my bicep tendon and I also had a few bone spurs that where fraying some other tendons. They fixed me up but it’s been rough.
I have been lying low and have not really posted much on TG. The main reason for this is I have had a difficult time dealing with being rendered useless. I have a very hard time saying no, and not being able to work has been hard on me. So I figured it best to disappear for a while. I had a few projects that I was unable to complete before surgery and these customers have been very understanding. I want to thank them for giving me a break. Your number one now that I am getting back on my feet.
I never had what I would call horrible pain from the surgery. I could not sit at the computer long or hold a phone to my face for I would cramp up. But it was not too bad never really took much pain meds. Therapy was going good also. But then last week I had about the worst so far. They gave me the ok to start doing some things and I think I over did it. I also tripped and grabbed the rail as I was going down the stairs with my bad arm which is my right and I am right handed. Any way you can imagine what that was like that was four days ago and I am just starting to feel better.
I was going to go to the PBS banquette which was two weeks after my surgery. My wife said I was crazy and the Doc was skeptical. Well I tell you what you’re a different person when you can’t even button your pants or cut your steak. You know I like Barry Wensel and I get along great with Mike Mitten and even Joe Lasch was great having next to my booth at Denton Hill. But I still would not feel real comfortable asking them to button my paints or cut my steak! I am also sure the feeling would be mutual. So I missed out on a great time.
I had several things going before I got laid up. One was to get 3 under ring tabs and add layered tab to the lineup. They are coming and I know I said April but again I thought I would be further along. Wrong! I can’t swing the maul to knock them out so it will be a bit yet. I will post when they are ready.
I do have a Leather Top Quiver I was working on. It is a replica of the old Bear leather top that is even today so popular. I was hesitant to post pictures off it for fear of the interest it might spark but now that I am starting to feel better I can no longer hold back I have to show you guys so look for it I am very excited.
I will be offering Selway quivers with leather hoods. Gordy Mickens who owns Selway was kind enough to sell me the parts so I could add a leather hood. I will offer them with a plain hood and tooled. The plain hoods will be about the same price as what the original Selway’s sell for. Tooled ones obviously a little more. I will post pictures of these towards the end of the week.
I would also like to ask anyone who has one of my armguards or tabs if you could please go to the 3 Rivers website and post a review. 3 Rivers is doing well with my product. In fact I had to let them know I was going to be down for 10 weeks so they stocked up. 4 weeks later they sold out on most of the models. Randy Burtis gave me the first review thanks Rrandy! So if you guys get the chance I sure would appreciate it.
Again thanks to the few of you who have been patient and also thanks to everyone who has purchased from me. It means a bunch! I got about 3 more weeks before I can pull a bow back I can’t wait!
Thanks Scott Teaschner