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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: I gave a hog a haircut today!  (Read 767 times)

Offline jarradmears

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I gave a hog a haircut today!
« on: May 07, 2012, 11:03:00 PM »
I'll start this story by acknowledging the fact that I'm a beginner and have missed before with a rifle, compound, etc... I just got my recurve not long ago from Roland Jenkins (which I love by the way) and have been shooting it pretty decent. I decided to try my hand at a little spot I have by the river this afternoon. Keep in mind that I have never shot Trad from up in the trees which I should have practiced before hunting (live and learn).

So I get to my stand around 4:00p.m. this afternoon and I'm playing all of the scenarios through my head about which way they will come from etc.. and just about 30 minutes later they come barreling out. I stand up and get prepared to take my shot at a nice sow around 100lbs or so. I'm only about 15 yards away so no big deal right? I pick a spot and draw back to my anchor point and let her fly! Fly she did right over that sows back and into the tree behind her. I shot high and was amazed because I've been shooting pretty decent lately.

After I scared all the pigs away (I know they were thankful for the rookie in the stand) I sat there shaking and wondering what happened. I waited until dark to see if they would come back but they didn't so I shot a few arrows into the ground at spots that I would pick. All of my shots were hitting above where I was aiming. I understand that the angle is changed from when you are at eye level but does anyone have any pointers for me? I shoot split finger and do not use the arrow to reference the target. Thanks for reading my little tale of Woe this evening! I hope I can correct this problem and go back and get me some bacon!

P.S I shot a copperhead on the way back to my truck. My wife was giving me some crap about not being able to hit a hog but that I hit a snake! I told her to get back in the kitchen and make me a pie.. No really I said It's a good thing you guys weren't relying on me to eat tonight or we would be going hungry or just eating pie for dinner  :)
"Perfect Practice Makes Perfect"

Offline pdk25

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Re: I gave a hog a haircut today!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2012, 11:08:00 PM »
It's not the angle of the shot, most likely.  It is more likely that you dropped your bow arm to your target, rather then bending and the waist and keeping your shoulders in alignment.  It changes your sight picture and makes you shoot high.  Been there.

Offline jarradmears

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Re: I gave a hog a haircut today!
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2012, 11:27:00 PM »
Thanks for the tip. I shot the same way after I shot at the hog at various "stump" targets from above. I will keep the bending at the waist in mind for sure! Keep em coming!
"Perfect Practice Makes Perfect"

Offline Biathlonman

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Re: I gave a hog a haircut today!
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 02:09:00 AM »
Hardest shot there is as far as I'm concerned.  Give me level or fairly level and I'm deadly, ask me to shoot down like between my feet and I'm always high too!

Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: I gave a hog a haircut today!
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2012, 06:13:00 AM »
You will have to practice shooting downwards. Shooting too high is normal. It's a totally different ballgame I found out. I always aim lower when shooting downwards. You will have to practice how much lower.

Once you get the hang of it, its easy! I think practising from the stand those downward shots will be the only way.
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Offline jarradmears

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Re: I gave a hog a haircut today!
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2012, 10:21:00 AM »
I'm going back for revenge this evening. I've got my climber out and am going into the woods this morning to practice before I get in my fixed stand. This is the last day of my vacation and it would be nice to put some pork in the freezer before I go back to work. Perhaps Ad can send me his "Magical Peregrine" that makes perfect 50 yard shots to help my shortcomings!
"Perfect Practice Makes Perfect"

Offline Gen273

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Re: I gave a hog a haircut today!
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2012, 10:25:00 AM »
Good advice here!!!

I hope you get your revenge.
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Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: I gave a hog a haircut today!
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2012, 11:14:00 AM »
I'm sorry Jarrad, I can't miss that bow :)I don't always shoot that good. But I once did it on a tourmanent when I was in great form: I shot a Grizly right in the kill at 65 yards, I just couldn't believe it.

It was the famous distance shot they have on the 3D challenge in The Netherlands. My arrow was at a distance of 11mm (say half an inch) of the center kill. Everbody had to measure their distance, that is, when they hitted that bear.

I was the closest one so I won the special price. I also had the highest score of that day. I will never forget that blessed day!

Now you climb in that stand and make some meat! I will give you mental support from here, overseas.

And I want to see pics of that big fat hog!   :)
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that string! [/i]                            :rolleyes:              
Cari-bow Peregrine
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