I've been waiting to see Don be able to start this particular thread on Pow Wow - so we can push this great offer. We (at least yours truly) are thinking this is the fairest plan for an offered hunt I've ever seen or heard about. I don't believe there is a member going that couldn't raise a twenty dollar bill to get (at least one) a ticket in the hat/pot. I am in high hopes that this offer will also give more of the generous folks putting hunts up for the St. Jude auctions to do theirs in a similar fashion/manner. Perhaps not this year but keep it in mind for future hunt offers - PLEASE. I personally think Don has come up with a great hunt program/offer.
Speaking of that I'm also here to say that I think Don left out one of the "Legends" as he calls them (wow, I'm feeling like I'm in tall company - LOL). The one he left out is "batman" himself. I know he never considers himself that way (just like I don't think of myself that way, and probably the others don't think of themselves that way either). BUT they are, as he explained, and he is too. One hell of a hunter,one consistently fine traditional archer, and another heck of a nice guy to be around. Also a fine musician and banjo player for the campfire - LOL.
There is another (old) thread kicking around Pow Wow lately that I wrote up as a report on Don's last Turkey Hunt offer for St. Jude. check it out also for all the fun we had on that one. This one will be even better.
Another thing that I want to cover is that I also am sweetening the pot for the winner, along with the other guys "Extra Gifts":
First, as I did last time, I will make one of my (rather Plain Jane) Turkey Wing Bone Calls, personalized for that lucky winner. (I know at least a couple members who have called in and killed their bird with one of my WBCalls - perhaps more have.)
Second, I am donating a Primitive Bow that I made (by myself) a couple or three years back. You will hear/see more about this but for now let me just tell a little about it. It was a second place Bow Of the Month in Primitive Archer Mag (though second doesn't get a prize - LOL). It is solid Hickory, and a rather unique style. I don't use it much but it is a fine, smooth drawing, smooth, accurate shooter. However, even if you don't care to shoot it, I venture to say that you will love having it hanging on your wall. Back then the style was still called Holmgards (now they have found out that they are actually Mollegabets - (determined by a mix up in the tribe that actually designed and made the ancient ones they found). When I was laboring over making her (Lord but Hickory is hard to scrape when you take a large, bulky stave down to a "Holmgard/Mollegabet" weird shape), I had a build-a-long up on 4 forums as I went along. Most are still up in archives, last I knew, not positive about here on TG, though it was a couple monts back. At the same time, Hurricane Hannah hit, and raised cane, here in NC. Because of that I named her, "Hannah-Holmi", and drew a little lady's head, blowing out wind, beside her name. She is finished natural (Polyurethane), is 66" NTN, and 40# @ 26" Her Flemish twist string is also one made by me. Pictures will be posted, probably during the auction - awww, why not post some now, while I'm at it. I think Don will approve. REMEMBER, this will be one of the prizes awarded to the winner of Don's hunt (whether you want it or not -LOL)