"RedHead® Ultra Snake 16'' Waterproof Hunting Boots for Men"
Buy a pair of these [ cheap and light] and go where you want and don't worry about getting them wet. You going to hunt pigs in SC, you likely going to get wet.
I wear snake boots working and hunting and have for nearly 40 years. They are a cheap insurance policy. My company thinks so as I am reimbursed 100% for any boot to included custom Russells when ever I need a pair. Not wearing snake protection in rattlesnake country is as poor a decision as not wearing fall protection from a tree.
Most of the time I wear this old pair of cheap Rocky's because they are comfortable, light and leak badly.
If you still not sold....interview someone who has been tagged by a rattlesnake or cottonmouth. Both rattlesnakes [coiling and rattling} and cottonmouths [opening mouth and exposing the white interior] use a defense mechanism to warn you off when they feel threatened. They are not normally aggressive but if their defense doesn't work they will not hesitate to pop a load in you. They rarely give a dry bite
Copperheads' defense mechanism is a strike and are much easier provoke to do so. So, they may pop you to get your attention with a dry bite but if you don't pay attention they will pop you again and this second strike is generally the real deal.
I got tangled up in a thicket with a sow and pigs and this dude one evening near Savannah, GA in the late 1980s. I'm wearing a pair of Gokey snake boots here. I took the easy way out.