I haven't hunted for a bear since 1998. I shot a nice 6 footer in Ontario on that hunt, and had shot one small one a few years earlier.
A friend of mine has 2 active baits going now. We have a 4 sow quota in this area. Once 4 sows are taken, season is done. Up to this past Saturday, 3 sows have been taken, and my buddy wanted me to hunt one of his baits while he hunted the other before season was done, which very easily could have been yesterday, with more guys out, and a good possability the fourth sow would be shot, and all his hard work gone.
My bud ended up really sick and couldn't hunt at all. He did take me to the bait where he had a pretty big bear hitting at night. There was also a small bear that had been visiting the site during daylight hours. I really didn't want to shoot a small bear, but wanted to hunt, just to get out and hunt.
We checked the trail cam and saw that the big boy had come in around 7:30 pm with plenty of shooting light the day before. Boy was I pumped! I still thought with my luck the bruiser wouldn't show himself.
I got in the stand at 11:57 and sat all afternoon. Bears on his other bait were coming at all times of the day, so I had high hopes.