jojotater, I think I better reread what I wrote, because I am very sure I never said that heavy bows allow sloppy shots. I KNOW that I have seen animals taken with heavier than the minimum gear and less than perfect shots, that I am sure would NOT have taken with lighter gear. Nearly everytime this discussion comes up, the light gear advocates bring it to,"a good shot with a light bow vs a bad shot with a heavy bow", yeah, so what? I haven't noticed that there is ANY corellation between bow weights and shooting skills. The thing is that with very light gear EVERYTHING has to be perfect, with heavier bows, arrows and bigger broadheads, they can do a better job if everything isn't perfect.
I have posted THIS question a number of times and am still waiting for the first answer, "suppose you have that very light setup and determine that it is fine, if everything is perfect, on a average sized whitetail, that is broadside and not more than 15 yards away, NOW the monster buck of a lifetime, 200#'s plus, comes by at about 20 yards, quartering away, are you going to pass up the shot, really?"
I don't know, I guess its the common thread running through our society, when I started bowhunting, the question was always, "how much weight do I need to work up", now the question is ALWAYS, "what is the minimum".