That was the best Hog Heaven story tellin' ever! Man, I was right with there with you.
Your story reminded me of my own call of nature in the middle of the night. "Darth Vadar Ray" was zonked out on the couch strapped into his CPAP mask. I had to tip toe past the machine, air hoses, and cords, all the while hoping not to trip and impale myself on Darth's light saber! At least that's what I think he was clutching with both hands. Anyways, I made it there and back without a life changing mishap and lived to tell about it.
I've survived two unbelievable thunderstorms in the back top bunk, with certain death only 17" from my nose! On a good note, I believe the lightning fried most of the critters running around in the ceiling!
We've had some great times at Hog Heaven, your story reminds us that the hunting is just the icing!
The Fa Kow Ee say, "In the swamp no one can hear you scream!"