Big Jim, If I was the one who got the goods and altered them without waiting and contacting the seller and understanding, then I would not have the moxey to even begin to say something or ask something. If I got something out of the box that wasn't right (it happens), I would contact the supplier and my experiance in this trad world is they would make it right and all happy. If I was in your shoes with the customer, I would be furious as well and understand your dilema. However, Bear is a fine company who takes care of there own. Just the fact that you have hard feeling in wanting there help, makes one want to help more. This is just another way for Bear to show that they still are a company of the past who HONORS customers, and believes in doing thing right. Learn from the situation and move on. We all are honest here, but there is always that 10% like this who screw it up. I would never expect a company/bowyer to take my word for goods, cann't eat a word, and it takes effort and time to run a buisness. Just MHO