Depends on who you ask--some folks have gotten great results, some think it's a recipie for disaster.
I'd ask myself if I was willing to take a chance with this bow. 'Course just shooting a vintage bow is risky--they are more liable to fail--but putting a FF type string on them might add to the risk.
I have a few non-FF bows, but I won't risk putting a FF string on them. I just shoot bows that are rated for FF, and get the others out on special occasions.
That being said, the only time I've ever seen a bow damaged by the string was due to the string being made improperly (too thin, not round, and unpadded loops) and the string grooves on the bow being cut at the wrong angle.
So...the answer is a definite "maybe"... If you try it, I'd re-cut the string grooves at the proper angle and pad out the string loops.