Felix...you need to give me the Italian word for "awesome". I am thinking mucho gusto?
So, Ryan's hunt unit has a lot of elevation to it and quite a bit of varied terrain. It definitely has uplands and lowlands and lots of lakes to use as funnels. There is active logging in the area. Clearcuts and new plantings. I don't know how big the area is; I should, but it is big enough for me. To get around, we use the "iron horse"
Bryan B negotiating an "easy" trail to stand:
Brian W was my chauffeur the first night:
One of the things I believe sets Stickflingers apart from other outfits is their attention to detail. They don't just slop out a pile of goodies and set you in a spot willy nilly. They hunt big bears like one would hunt big whitetails; VERY carefully. He leaves "sanctuary" areas within the unit for security. You don't hunt a stand if the wind is not right. Ryan keeps Lone Wolf stands and sticks in the truck so a portable can quickly be hung to hunt a setup effectively. Brian is carrying one here to an evening stand.