Thanks for posting the pics Steve! What a week we had at Manitoba Stickflingers. Ryan is a super guy and he has a fantastic area for big bears. The camp was filled with quality bowhunters and everyone was a class act!
We all saw plenty of quality bears and a few of the guys saw world class black bears. Let me say right off that my bear was "bite size" chocolate compared to the other bears shot on this hunt. My bear weighed 190 pounds and squared 6'2". One of my goals was to shoot a nice color phase bear so I'm very happy with the end result. Now I just have to figure out if I want to do a rug or lifesize mount.
I would like to thank Mark Wessel for helping me track and find my bear. I owe SteveO a big thanks to for helping out with some of the heavy lifting. It's always nice to share great memories with great people!
My sweet shooting TallTines recurve is 54# @ 28". Here is what a happy bowyer, hunter and outfitter looks like :D