My PT is in full swing, preparing for the high country in the fall. I have been hiking 4 to 6 miles 5 to 6 days a week, mixed with an hour of mountain biking 3 or 4 times a week. This morning, the real training began. We have a 'hill' not far from town that has a 2000 foot vertical rise in just over a mile (took me 42 minutes to summit this morning). It is a real lung buster, and the plan is to do this once a week as part of the workout regimen. I just did a percentage of grade calculation, and that friggin' 'hill' is almost a 38% grade
This is what it looks like from the top:
. I'll tell you what; if this routine doesn't get me in shape for elk, I guess I just won't be in shape.
For those who plan on hunting the mountains this fall, the time is NOW to get in condition. Get out there and do what you can so that you will be able to enjoy your time hunting without killing yourselves when the steep stuff beckons.