I have searched high and low for the perfect broadhead for whitetail deer. In my quest I have tried and killed deer with just about all of them. Abowyer simmons centaur zwickey magnus VPA, Big Jim, to name a few. These are all great heads and all have there place. But what I am looking for is a NON VENTED head that would be 1.75"-2" in width 200-250gr without insert or 300 with, similar to the Abowyer wapiti or vpa penetrator in shape maybe a little less than the Ashby 3to1 ratio. The ratio is great and i understand all the testing that went into it. But I am after a head that is big, tough, leaves huge entrance and exit wounds, and may make up for a shot a little of the mark every now and then. So maybe if we can get interest up someone will step up to the plate.