I haven't missed on a hog, whitetail, or turkey. I take that back. I did miss a buck a couple of years ago, when my string hung up on a strap. The arrow went right between his legs. Other than that, no I haven't missed. Now, I've missed my aiming spot by a few inches, but those shots were still within my margin of error, and I ended up with clean kills.
In 30 years, I've only lost one animal. It was on a turkey, and I made a killing shot, but he had enough energy left to fly into the thickest swamp imaginable. I'd have had to actually step on it to find it.
I have had a couple of liver shot deer that made for difficult tracking jobs, but, with the help of my dog, I was able to find those animals.
I'm pretty cautious when it comes to shot selection, though, and don't mind letting something walk if everything isn't just right.
On coyotes, I have missed a few shots. Those shots were at pretty long distances, at night, and at some pretty skittish critters, so I don't feel too bad about those misses.
On squirrels, I probably kill about 1 in 5. I do give half of the misses haircuts, though.