I am shooting a 45# Ben Pearson Stallion with a Bear weather rest. I usually use 2016's fletched with 4" feathers and a 200 gr point. Today I tried some 2117's fletched with 5" vanes that are left over from my wheelie bow. I used my normal 200 gr points. I was amazed that the 2117's with vanes flew great and they grouped about 1/2" lower than the 2016's do at 25 yards. The only down side was a noticeable decrease in speed but the bow was more quiet and the arrows seemed to penetrate further.
I figured the vanes would kick away from the riser but they flew straight. I have quite a few 2216's with vanes left over too. I may have to try them too.
I am thinking about refletching these arrows with 5" feathers. Would this improve the arrow flight?