Went to Fort Stewart today for a short half day hunt with the blessing of my Wife of 27 years yesterday. God Bless her....
Pulled up to the lucky oak and the porkers had rooted up my parking spot...
Took a picture of something I don`t know what is while walking in...
After that the fun starts. FS has a good many pigs but if you knew how much ground I cover per encounter you would think I`m insane sometimes I believe so myself but heck..its fun. I killed a pig a couple of weeks ago that I posted about but just to let you know THIS is the normal hunt....here we go.
I cross the Preachers pond dam and flush a Turkey. I drop off in the lower swamp and ssssstep so close to this feller I about lose my breath when I see him. If you hunt where snakes are I`m sure you know what I`m talking about...
He has the funkiest colors I`ve seen but when I poked him with the bow once he was quick to show a white fangy mouth... I got away with no bites and clean britches so I carried on. After a long loop in a porkless swamp I decide to ease up on the hill and see if they are on the wild gooseberries.. I`m following a pig trail out of the swamp and almost put my boot down on this fella that don`t rattle his 11 rattles or nothing.....
He looked like he had just ate something and was snoozing. I was gonna flip him out of the way with my bow and he woke up mad and snapping.
again I left unscathed and with clean drawers...
I decide to follow the small creek I was walking near to the road and cross it there instead of wading and when I get close to the wooden bridge I see black movement in the bushes. Pigs I`m thinking so I ease ahead arrow on the string. Well...it weren`t a pig....
thought I heard him growl one time..
Decided the nerves had enough and the Angels God has watching over me were probably getting tired so I headed for the truck. Almost stepped on this feller on the way out...
All I could stand for one mornings pig hunt...Thank you Lord for a fangless good day.RC