I have a bit of a delima, and I was hoping someone might have some input to help me out here. My young son (just turned 3 on Christmas day) wants to do everything I do. Understandable - I hear that from a lot of dads. I don't push him into anything, as I know parents that do, and it makes some of the kids hate the sport they get pushed into. However, my son loves to bass fish with me, and I never pushed him to try it - even the first time - he just wanted to come with me in the boat, so I brought him along. After catching my first fish, he was in my lap, insisting "I do it, I do it". After that, I got him his own rod and he casts better and more accurately than a lot of adults I know. He stays with me - during the course of an outing, he seldom ever puts the rod down. He normally catches several each trip, and only asks for help when "I gotta big one!" comes up.
But I digress.... anyway - back to the subject. I shoot in the backyard, and he wants to come out with me. I keep him in the house with his mom while I'm out back, but every time I come in, he wants to hold the bow. I asked him the other day if he wanted to shoot it, and he got excited (no way he was going to do it - my brace height is about his draw length - Ha!) Anyway, he didn't want to let go of the bow, and insisted that we go shoot the "bumblebee" (I have a Morrell Yellow Jacket target, and he calls the YJ a "bumblebee"). So, I am considering buying him a bow - but I don't want a "suction cup" bow - I'm scared that he will see that as a toy, and I want to instill in him that this is no toy - it's a dangerous weapon. I'm running into a few problems though - nobody in my area has kids bows, least of all left handed kids bows. I know he is left handed, but I am unsure of eye dominance, as I can't get him to do the test I was told to give him (have him point at something with both eyes open, and then have him close each eye one at a time and see where he points) - he thinks that is a game - which also scares me into thinking "maybe I should wait longer".
Any suggestions? Should I wait longer, or buy him a youth bow now. He is 37" tall, and weighs 36 pounds. I don't know his draw length yet, but I guess I could do the wing span test. If it's ok to start him out now, could you recommend a youth bow (left handed) that I should buy for him, or a bowyer to contact for something like that.
All the best,