I have posted several times as my daughter has embraced traditional archery and how she has grown in the short 6 months since that time. She has been shooting a bow for about a year now. She started with training wheels last June, requested a longbow for Christmas.
She got a Tolke Tadpole last year for CHristmas at the age of 11.
The 19# R/D bow lasted a couple of months before she found a Hill bow she wanted.
Then just a couple of weeks ago we went to the Hill Classic. While by back was turned picking up some arrows I had ordered the week before. I hear Bella talking to my friend Steve Turay in his booth behind me. I turn around and shortly realize that Steve has built and is giving my daughter a 62" Northern Mist Classic, 39#@26" longbow that is an EXACT copy of the longbow he custom built for me last year. Talk about a role model for a child to look up to!!!!
That proud, grinning from ear to ear, 11 year old girl then proceeded to give me and Jim Quinn (Tower Climber) a run for our money on the 3d course. She shot a 162 with a new bow, and she refused to shoot from the youth stake. That was scored from the ladies stake. I shot a 199 and later shot the one shot one kill stake and she beat me handily. You think I cared??
Several weeks ago I posted an article about our journey together so far in Traditional Archery. You can find it here
The Tinder to Build a Fire . I hope you will enjoy it. There is also another article that has some additional shots taken from the SE Hill Classic on the site as well.