Here are the pictures. I have two other Hills for comparison. The Hill with the snake skins is a Craig made custom Wesley, the Hill with the brown glass and antler tips is a Hill Tembo made by John Schulz and the bow with the black and white glass is Bob Wesley's Tembo. I guess they named bows back then because on the Wesley they have the name "Standing Bear', on the Schulz Tembo "Sagitarius" and on the Bob's bow "Big Boar".
I think Bob's bow was cut down and had the top of the limbs and tips narrowed. I think this also reduced the weight quite a bit. I am going to confirm that with Bob. The brace heights are the same for all three bows.
This first picture compares the top tips.
Here are the bottom tips.
Here is the limb profile.
Here is what the tiller looks like strung.
The rest are of Big Boar.