Originally posted by Chester Thompson:
Found out that I will actually be up there on Aug 3rd. Any other archery ranges that I have to see? Do a lot of the towns up there have actual city archery ranges? That is cool, nothing like that I know of near me.
Cool, maybe, it's because shooting on our own property here is illegal, don't think that is so cool-ha. Most cities have ranges open to the public, they are mostly small, Eden Prairie has a terrific range that must have cost 200 K but it's set up for compound people, most advanced thing I have ever seen. I think guys have mentioned Bunker Lake, 30 minutes from Bloomington and you pay a small fee to use it, I did not think it was that special. Most are just 5-8 hay bales either against wooden posts or hanging by chains.
Rapids Archery and South Forty are you only clubs I know of in town.
As far as archery shops, don't bother in town, The Footed Shaft is great, down in Rochester and you need a whole day to hit them and the Pope and Young Museum.
That's the tour!