I think this thread has been pretty well beaten to death, but to continue flogging a dead horse, I make knives. I'm not a professional. I'm a 71 year old retired engineer and have no intention of working for a living any more. If I do something now, I do it because I enjoy it. If somebody likes my product and wants to buy it, I'll sell it for a reasonable price and sometimes a bit cheaper than reasonable. The only time I will agree to a delivery time is if someone asks me "Can you get this ready for my son's-husband's-wife's birthday/anniversary-etc" If I believe I can do it, I will agree to it and then bust my butt to make it. Otherwise, I'm in this for the satisfaction it gives me making the knife. I work on it when it feels right. If I don't like the way the handle scales came out, I grind them off and start over. If the plunge line isn't right and I can't get it straight with another attempt, the blade goes in the trash. If you want one tomorrow, go to one of the many on-line shops, pay with PayPal and pay the freight for overnight shipping. You will have it in a day or two.
I've ordered a custom bow, been thrilled when it came in early, but would have enjoyed it just as much if it had come in late because the limb veneers weren't what the bowyer thought they would be, or his hand twitched on the bandsaw or whatever. I ordered a bow from him because I admired his work - not because I needed a bow for the upcoming season.
I'm guessing there may be some part-time bowyers out there that have similar feelings. I don't claim my product is better than anyone else's. I just want to know that it's the best that I can produce at my current level of experience and it meets my expectations however long it takes me.