What if the top of the line bow feels like a used diaper in your hand?
A lot of this trad stuff is about taking the dirt road, that winds around and gets you there sometime about sundown. Learn your Hoyt. As the summer progresses, and you attend shoots, try others. Don't get caught up in the status game. Good shooting will come from inside you, not from inside your bow. You will need to develop your own form and style, and succeed with it before jumping in to a high dollar bow. Get as much experience as you can, because you will need it. It will help you to realize that the 1960 no-name bow with the woven glass is exactly what you like. And for thirty dollars!
Please listen! I have a ton of bows, no money and mediocre shooting skills, after 47 years. Starting out, you could surpass me in a few months.
Killdeer~ do as I say, not as I do.