Since I was the only client in camp for the hunt, Mick an Andy alternated days guiding me and on their day off, took care of camp chores or hunted. On the first day, Mick took up guide duties. We headed out on the ATV to get to a particular flat that we were going to hunt. I should say that the ranch had several small rivers on the property and was primarily a mixture of flats/flood plains and highlands, with the flats having great grass cover for buffalo browsing and scattered gum trees, and slightly more dense cover/trees along the rivers. Waterholes were scattered throughout the ranch, so there was no shortage of water this early in the dry season. Temperatures ranged from highs in the mid 80's to lower 90's, and lows from the mid 40's to mid 50's. The ride on the atv was a little chilly in the morning, but not too bad for me on the back, but Mick and Andy got their hands pretty cold on the ride.
A few minutes into the ride we came up on a buff. He got curious enough to come within around 45 yards. Pretty cool for this early in the hunt. Man, I thought, this is gonna be easy. Here is a typical picture of a buff that is onto something.

We continued on, crossing over a few rivers, bouncing over anthills, onto the flat. We saw several buffalo, with a few nice bulls, but they all headed for the thicker cover at the base of the highlands to the west and the river on the east. We circled around and tried to come back through the thicker stuff to the west but only managed to see a cow/calf and a few scrub bulls. Here is a pic of them moving through the brush.

Tough getting up on them in that thick stuff. Did find this cool scrub bull skull, though.

The buff are mostly bedded down by late morning and the odds of success go way down after this happens, so we headed back to camp for lunch. Over lunch, Andy and I headed to a beautiful waterhole that is very deep and cool to go fishing. It would be perfect for a dip in the water if it wasn't for a large saltwater croc that has been frequenting the pool. Andy caught a nice Barra that we later.

Me pushing the boat in.

A nice waterfall on the fishing hole

Andy and his Barra
Couldn't get up on any buff in the afternoon, so we got back to camp for supper. We chatted awhile and eventually this little guy visited camp to catch moths that were attracted by the light. He showed up every night and would land right next to our feet at times. Silent death, this guy is. He will be missed when the campsite is moved at the end of my hunt.