Just wanted to share with ya'll that I ordered my first custom bow while at Compton. A Kestrel from Mike at Wild Horse Creek. Bow will be 58" 52@28. Myrtle veneers over Red Elm cores, Myrtle and Wenge riser, Beavertail over locator grip. The Kestrel is a mild R/D longbow that does not string to a D.
Prior to heading to Compton, I had done alot of research here in PowWow on Mike and his bows and was hearing alot of great things. Shooting his bows (ALOT!) and talking with Mike and Suzie last weekend only confirmed everything I had been hearing. Great people making Great bows!
So now the three to four month wait begins.
WHC owners, please chime in with your thoughts (AND PICS!!!).