I shot an 80# compound when I switched to trad.
I could pull that 80# without trouble after sitting in a 10˚F stand for hours.
I tried a 55# recurve first...too much.
Then a 50#...still to much.
After that I tried a 45# recurve..finally it felt right.
Now I've tried a few 45# bows and right now I'm the happiest with a 45# 62" montana bows (Toelke) whip...actually a plenty coups archery whip.
I was really surprised how far I had to drop in weight from my compound to find a comfortable draw weight for a trad bow.
There's a BIG difference between pulling back 80# and having that let-off letting you hold 15# while you settle in for a shot and pulling back a trad bow and settling in at 45+# to take a shot.
45# is more than enough bow for north american game. You can search here for the proof.
Don't get trapped into the machoness of pulling a heavier bow just to end up having an uncomfortable set up.
You can always step up to a higher poundage bow whenever you want.
I've only been at this about 5 years now, but I don't feel any need to go up from my 45# at this point.
Take a look at the classifieds on this site.
There are many very good bows at great prices to be had.
You can pick up and learn to shoot almost any bow you can pull back comfortably, BUT it'll most likely take trying out/buying/trading a few bows to really find out what you like the most.
Good luck.
Enjoy the journey.