We shot for about a half hour then she started getting fatigued. She begged her father to take her to get a target and Quiver at the store later on.
But alas, being 12 she had other interests as well and her friend was over. unfortunately her friend didn't want to shoot and they decided harassing my dog was more fun. :rolleyes:
While My Dog was getting the treatment, her father and I had some fun too. He was a great shot just needs to shoot more. No pictures though of my ugly mug but more balloons were broken.
We are all looking forward to the next 3D shoot. Young Josh will be with us "Archering" as well.
and Emily, well she now feels like Katniss, I knew it would come out sooner or later. Glad she likes it! Plus all the boys at her Birthday party were jealous, she thought that was neat!