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Author Topic: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...  (Read 1271 times)

Offline gregg dudley

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So this tropical storm Debby is dropping some MUCH needed rain on my area, but I am about to go stir crazy!  My old garage is closed in and Renee has given the green light to turn it into a den and so I am thinking about setting up some type of permanent target inside that will allow me to shoot at ten yards or so.  Do you have a similar setup?  Show me what you got!

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Offline threeunder

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 08:56:00 PM »
Was going to ask the exact same question this evening....Will be watching this one!
Ken Adkins

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Offline tim roberts

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 09:02:00 PM »
Don't have a picture handy, but I have a 36"X36" morel type target hanging from the ceiling in my basement. It gets me about 12 yards.  Living on a damn golf course makes it kind of hard to shoot in the yard.

TGMM Family of the Bow

I guess if we run into the bear that is making these tracks, we oughta just get off the trail.......He seems to like it!  
My good friend Rudy Bonser, while hunting elk up Indian Creek.

Offline Goshawkin

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 10:16:00 PM »
I've got a 36"X24" Bulldog target.I'm building a stand for it outside,but for now I've got it stored in my "Man cave" room. I can stand in our living room and shoot into the other room,about a 10 yard shot.
a couple things I've learned since I've started shooting inside...
1-ALWAYS make sure you know where the dog is before you shoot!(No,I didn't shoot him! He was sleeping behind one of the bookshelves between the rooms. When my arrow hit the target,the "WHACK" scared the bejesus out of him and he came tearing out into the living room,crashed into a tray table with a glass of water on it and spilled it onto a brand new couch! Thank god it was only water.
2-DO NOT let your 8 year old daughter take a shot from the full 10 yards.(look close at the bookshelf to the right of the target and you can just see the mark!)
3- If you want to continue to shoot in the house,don't let your wife find out about 1 and 2.

Offline el greco

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2012, 10:24:00 PM »
This should be an interesting thread!I was half serious when I mentioned to my wife I 'd like to set a target in our livin room.(it didn't go that well,thanks God for the backyard)
From my cold,dead hands..

Offline gregg dudley

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2012, 10:31:00 PM »
Sounds like some good advice above!  

I was just looking at the entertainment center in the bedroom thinking it would make a great stand for a target.  It even has doors to close and cover it up.  I doubt I will get very far asking to use it since it is matched to the bed and two dressers...  Oh well.  I'll keep brainstorming!

Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
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Offline Sam McMichael

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2012, 10:33:00 PM »
I know a guy who has a corner wall cabinet in  his trophy room. When the cabinet is open, you see a target mounted. He shoots diagonally across the room.

I don't have anything set up inside my house, though. I got the same response el greco got.

Offline SKITCH

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2012, 11:34:00 PM »
I've been thinking about setting something up through the kitchen and into the dining room.

What's the old saying?...."It's easier to beg for forgiveness than to to ask for permission".
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Offline flyne

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2012, 01:46:00 AM »
Iv got a rienhart 18/1 Block thingey in a sliding cubord that has a brick wall behind it the misses thinks its just getting stored Thea but from the other side of the room I get 13m shot in if I get a miss iv already got a small pot of paint to fix any marks but luckily it hasn't been used yet
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Offline gringol

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2012, 02:10:00 PM »
This storm is really cramping my style.  I haven't got to shoot since last Thursday.  Good luck with the indoor target.  My wife would have my head if I tried to shoot in the house.  You should have seen the look I got when I hung my bows on the wall!   :scared:   You may need to set your wife up with some kind of book-club or something so you can shoot when she's not around.  A false panel in the wall that reveals a target when the right book is pulled from the bookshelf might help also.

Offline KentuckyTJ

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2012, 02:20:00 PM »
This may not be what you are looking for Gregg, but here is my indoor setup. 19 yards from the man cave, through the basement door to the target in the garage.  Target is 4'x4' and is on wheels.



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Offline gregg dudley

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2012, 02:47:00 PM »
I think what I am going to do is get a target like that, TJ.  Then I am going to either build or buy a cabinet for it that sits in the corner of my new den.

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Offline Pat B.

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2012, 05:17:00 PM »
TJ, what is your target faced with and what did you stuff it with between the layers of "fabric" or facing ???  

I hope I'm getting my question across..  

How about this, what are the materials, lol...

Offline battman

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2012, 05:47:00 PM »
Thought about setting something up in the basement.But the only good spot I had I'd have to shoot past the freezer on on end or the water heater on the other.Not a good idea the way I shoot.

Offline Hopewell Tom

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2012, 07:46:00 PM »
Man, TJ that front tire looks awfully big to me!
Helps with the concentration, I'm sure, but I usually expect the worst.
I have a basement setup, 15 yards max, but mostly shoot from 10-12 yd. mark. 2x4 frame, about 4' wide, floor to ceiling. Heavy carpet on each side and filled with shrink wrap. That's my backstop. Bag target hung on front. Old 2" wooden doors in front of the water heater and electrical panel. I always expect the worst...

Wendell Berry

Offline Sam McMichael

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2012, 07:54:00 PM »
Hey Gregg, has the rainy weather given you a sufficient opportunity to check the rain repellancy of the wedge tent you picked up at the TBOF raffle?

One other question, is this new den your scheme for an indoor range or something Renee might actually use for a socially acceptable gathering?

Offline KentuckyTJ

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2012, 09:54:00 PM »
Originally posted by Pat B.:
TJ, what is your target faced with and what did you stuff it with between the layers of "fabric" or facing ???  

I hope I'm getting my question across..  

How about this, what are the materials, lol...
Pat, I am not sure what it is but it is more of a synthetic fabric than a cotton natural material. I am not even sure what is inside the 6x6 section. I would imagine it is that synthetic stuff they stuff pillows with. Whatever it is this target is fantastic. I think I bought it in 1998 and I just last year replaced the front face. I've never done anything else to it. It has had Billions of arrows in it. Whats so great about it is the arrows stick in it perfectly straight so you dont hit them when shooting unless your are robin hood good.

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Offline Oregon Okie

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2012, 10:45:00 PM »
I have an ugly set up. Works but only get about 6-7 yards in the garage. Lots of junk around it right now. Just an old piece of carpet hanging on at 2x4 and the burlap bag filled with plastic bags target in front. I keep painting the target. The other side is an "animal" shape.
I like the target because arrows pull out so easy and it was cheap.


I could shoot from here or farther but that blue thing is my wife's very expensive rowing shell (boat) hanging from the ceiling. Wouldn't mind hitting the mower. Guess the car could be moved too.    :D  

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Offline gregg dudley

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2012, 10:59:00 PM »
Originally posted by Sam McMichael:
Hey Gregg, has the rainy weather given you a sufficient opportunity to check the rain repellancy of the wedge tent you picked up at the TBOF raffle?

One other question, is this new den your scheme for an indoor range or something Renee might actually use for a socially acceptable gathering?
That is funny on the tent!

We closed in the garage several years ago.  I'm just now wearing her down on letting me have it.  It is about twice the size of my current den.  I'll post up some pics when I am done.

Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
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Offline bawana bowman

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Re: Cabin Fever!---Show me your INDOOR archery target set up...
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2012, 11:10:00 PM »
Here is a target similar to Kentucky TJ's. I bought this back in 83 or 84 use to shoot it in the house back in the BM days.(Before Married)
It is 24"X24", wood frame, faced with a heavy nylon net fabric. There are 2 metal braces which are used as stands that also hold a triple sewn Kevlar panel about 12 or 15 inches behind the net which stops the arrows dead. I use to shoot this target with 90 - 110# Hill bows and NEVER had one punch through the Kevlar. I'll post pics of target without the cardboard on it if it ever stops raining here.
Can't seem to find anyone manufacturing these now, but they sure do last. (guess maybe that's why) This one is 28 years old and still going strong, but it is probably time to rebuild the wood frame!


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