Getting all of my pieces together for the North American Longbow Safari.... longbows and wood arrows with broadheads only.
Thought I would bling out my stuff a little more "trad" than I sometimes do.
Got the quiver I made with the strap that used to be a belt my dad made for me when I was 15 out of a snake he skinned. Rattle from different snake but from a good buddy of mine. Snag crested arrows. I put the feathers on... should have used shield cut. A few turkey feathers off of the first (and only) turkey I have killed with a trad bow. The bow is a 7 Lakes blank that I just finished up. It's a double shelf. I shoot lefty mostly but am right handed so I wanted a bow to shoot both with and keep a little balance in my body ????
I like the bow. I think it's around 45 at my draw but haven't checked it yet. Put the beaver fur silencers on. Got some zwickeys I won at a raffle to use. A couple of knives I made from blanks with osage I cut on my family land in Oklahoma. Pretty good pile of mojo. I will be lucky to get back with a few arrows the way I'm shooting but if I just don't shoot I'll look dandy.
Looking forward to this shoot alot. Get to see some of my Oregon buddies there.